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In 2018, TV Guide named Family Guy as the 9 th best cartoon from all time on a list that included the Simpsons, the Flintstones, South Park and others. Since then, it has run for 18 seasons while producing over 349 episodes. The show was cancelled in 2003 after 3 seasons but the devotion of fans and excellent sales of DVDs helped the show to come back in 2005. The show created by Seth McFarlane in 1998 is full of inappropriate humor, sarcasm and satire similar to The Simpsons, another colossal show part of the Fox network. Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris, Stewie and their talking dog Brian constantly find themselves caught in surreal and darks situations. We promise that you have never seen anything like it.įamily Guy is an animated show that follows the misadventures of a weird family from Rhode Island: The Griffin.

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